divendres, 13 d’octubre del 2017


First of all, I need to say that it was a critical day, reason why I find so important to talk about it in my blog. The days leading up on the first October everybody know that a very important thing will happen this day; it was part of a point of no return.

I wake up at five o’clock, only with my mind focused with the hours that would have to come, and ready to go to the Electoral College. Being in the Electoral College early was of great importance, reason that a lot of people were there before than the sun came up. 
Everyone was overcome by the uncertainly, the permanent doubt. No one knew what to expect. We were looking at each other constantly waiting for something.
At seven o’clock, approximately, two mossos arrived at the Electoral College. They asked if they could enter. We said a convincing “no”. They watch the situation: there were old people, children… and prefer not to use the violence. They spend the whole day in front of the college. They were rumors about if it would come or not the Guàrdia Civil and we were with fear in our bodies.

Finally arrived the time to vote, at nine o’clock. And the people start to introduce their votes inside the urn. For the first half hour everything was going fine, until the web stopped to work. (It was intervened by the State). At eleven o'clock we couldn’t still vote. With my family we decide to come back later, in the afternoon. We left the Electoral College. At twelve we were at home watching TV3 without believing what we were looking at. The images were terrible… the violence used by the Guàrdia Civil…
It was happening at Barcelona, Girona, Garrigàs, Aiguaviva… and unexpectedly the name of our town was mentioned in the TV: Sant Miquel de Fluvià.
The phone rang. A friend of my parents, who was still in the Electoral College, explain us the awful scene. Fifty members of the Guàrdia Civil arrived and, aggressively, took away the urn and all the votes that were inside.
We remain disconcerted, with a complete disbelief, not knowing what to do. We need to look for another town where to be able to vote.

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