diumenge, 20 de març del 2016


A new experiment shows that horses can read human emotions. In this experiment the scientist used photographs of human faces and they discovered that horses can tell the difference between angry and happy faces. 
The scientist put monitors on the horses and observed that heart rates of the horse rose when they saw an angry face.
Riders at a horse club in London said that there is a special relationship between humans and horses. 
I choose this news because I think that it is very emotional to know that there may be a special emotional connection between humans and animals.

Heart rates: How fast the heart beats. 
Monitors: Computer display. 
Rose: Past of "rise", go up. 
Relationship: Emotional connection. 

Horses can read emotions - level 2


This news is about the smallest monkeys in the world. These animals weighs only 100 grams and when they born, they are smaller than a human thumb. 
The species is endangered because people are destroying the forests where this monkey lives and for illegal pet trade. A zoo in Sydney is trying to help the species to survive. 
I choose this news because I think that this is a very interesting information. In the world there are very species of animals that they are endangered and for this the people need to take care of the natura.

Endangered: Close to extinction.
Trade: Commerce.  
Species: A distinct group of individuals having some common characteristics.  
Thumb: Thickest digit of the hand. 

Smallest monkeys in the world - level 3

dissabte, 19 de març del 2016


The last 4th of march we went to Barcelona with the high school. In Palau Robert we watched an exposition about the refugees from Syria. 
This exposition was very emotional because it shows the sad situation that the refugees are living. His situation is very hard and difficult because they have to leave their country because of the war. 

In the picture that I choose we can see one father with his sons. His little son is in his arms.
The father seems happy to be with their children.
This image is very moving, natural and spontaneous. 


This is the one of the photos of prize-winning photo. This image was taken in Ferguson (EUA).

In this picture we can see that Lesley McSpadden is comforted by her husband hours after the fatal police shooting of her son in the Canfield Green Apartments in Ferguson, Missouri, August 9, 2014. 

The St. Louis Post-Dispatch photography staff was recognized for "powerful images of the desppair and anger in Ferguson, Missouri, stunning photojournalism that served the community while informing the country," according to the judges for the 2015 Pulitzers.

This photo is in the same time moving and starking. 

Resultat d'imatges de The Michael Brown story - Ferguson


• A package of cheese types philadelphia
• 3 eggs
• 3 yoghurts
• 3 spoonful of flour
• 10-12 teaspoons of sugar
 Butter for the mould. 

(This ingredients are for four persons).

The process for making this cake is very simple.

First of all, heat the oven to 200 degrees and go taking temperature.
In a bowl mix all the ingredients. Put butter in a mould that you will use to make the cake.

Put the whole mass to the mould and put this in the oven. Put the oven down to 170 and leave 20-25 minutes.

Next, with a toothpick, poke the cake to make sure that it is cook. Let the cake cool. Then, when it gets warm, put this in the refrigerator.

And finally, serve the cheesecake at room temperature. 

Resultat d'imatges de cheesecake


I do the interview to four boys. They are approximately seventeen years old. 

They are from Philadelphia and this is the first time that they come to Spain. They came here by plane. They are in Barcelona for visit his friends. They will be to stay here for three days. They are travelling with his brothers.

They visited the beach, Apple Store, market... They like the sun, the girls and the weather, but they think that Barcelona is very expensive. They bought presents for his family and they know some words in Spanish like "mucho", "buenos días", "muchas palabras", "hablo el español"... They tried some typical Spanish or Catalan food in the market. And they like bananas. They say that they see some diferences with his country, Philadelphia. They will recommend Barcelona to their family or friends. Finally they say that they want to come back again.



This is a black and white photo. In this image we can see a landscape. 

In the foreground we can see the long branches of a tree. In the middle of the picture there is a child and this little boy is playing with a swing. This object is hanging from the branch of this tree.
In the background we can see more trees. The sky is clear but it is a little cloudy. In the upper part of the picture we can see the branches of the tree and in the lower part we can see the grass of the field. In the left part we can see the tree from which hang two swings. The other swing is empty.

The picture is not colourful but it is an interesting scene. This image is spontaneous, peaceful, natural and moving.
In this photo only we can see a child in the middle of a field. This little boy seems happy and calmed, with a blank look on his face.

The photographer wants to teach us the tranquility of the landscape. 

Woodville Farm Labor Camp. San Joaquin Valley, California

dimarts, 15 de març del 2016


Alec Soth was born in 1969 in Minneapolis (United States of America). He is an American contemporary photographer. Soth is a member of Magnum Photos agency since 2008 and he has photographed for The New York Times Magazine, Fortune and Newsweek. His photographs are in major public and private collections, including the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, the Los Angeles County Museum of Art and the Walker Art Center in Minnesota.
His major publications are Sleeping by the Mississippi, Niagara, Broken Manual and Songbook.
His first book, Sleeping by the Mississippi, was published in 2004.
Here you can see the image titled "The Key Hotel" that he took in Florida. In this image we can see a hotel with little human activity and the almost empty parking. A plane wrote in the sky the word "Jesus".
This image is unusual, striking and natural.
This picture belongs to an album called Songbook. That was his most important work. From 2012 to 2014 Soth traveled to the USA looking for signs of social life and picked up the photos in this book.
This is another picture titled A monk in the wood”. It is a picture of a man who wears a black dress and he is in the middle of the forest.
This picture is paceful and spontaneous.

This image belongs to an album called "Broken Manual". This book researches sites where people go when they want to get out of the civilization.