dissabte, 19 de març del 2016


• A package of cheese types philadelphia
• 3 eggs
• 3 yoghurts
• 3 spoonful of flour
• 10-12 teaspoons of sugar
 Butter for the mould. 

(This ingredients are for four persons).

The process for making this cake is very simple.

First of all, heat the oven to 200 degrees and go taking temperature.
In a bowl mix all the ingredients. Put butter in a mould that you will use to make the cake.

Put the whole mass to the mould and put this in the oven. Put the oven down to 170 and leave 20-25 minutes.

Next, with a toothpick, poke the cake to make sure that it is cook. Let the cake cool. Then, when it gets warm, put this in the refrigerator.

And finally, serve the cheesecake at room temperature. 

Resultat d'imatges de cheesecake

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