dissabte, 18 de juny del 2016


I remember the moment when I started my first day in the High School. I was nervous, but very excited. When I came into the High School I was only eleven years old and I was afraid. I came from a small primary school and I thought that the High School was very big. In the class we were 29 students. 

In my period in the High School I have known very interesting people and I have made very good friends, specially during the trip to Italy. But we cannot forget the bad moments of stress because we had a lot of exams, of works...
I'm sure that I will never forget my companions because they have given me the best moments of the ESO and I will never forget the teachers because they have given me all the knowledge that I need.

Resultat d'imatges de ins castello dempuries

diumenge, 5 de juny del 2016



Resultat d'imatges de amélie
Amélie had a very bad infancy because she was living isolated of other children and had a very distant relation with her father. In addition, she suffered the death of her mother. Amélie was a dreamy person and she loved to help other persons.
This is a good film that talks about true and pure love.

Amélie grew isolated of the rest of children. She suffered the death of her mother. When she was 22 years old she worked of waitress. Amelie discovered a treasure that a child had hidden in her house forty years ago. Amélie found the owner of this treasure and returned him. Amélie had a very agreeable sensation and decided to help the people to be happy. 
Amélie met Nino. She feelt fascination for this boy and finally she decided to fiought to be with him.

I like the main character, Amélie, because she is very especial and very good person. The music is very beautiful. 

I recommend this movie to people who likes the romantic movies because it is very interesting and has a happy end.
This film is good and entertaining. 


Now a days, robots are part of our lives and become a reality of 21st century living. This machines help the people. Is possible that in approximately 20 or 30 years we have humanoids in our houses. The robots will do all the things that we see in the movies of science fiction. The people are afraid to the robots because they are a new thing. The conservative of the Museum of Science in London says that this reaction is natural and human. 
The technologies advance more fast. We can see that when we look a few years behind. There will come one day that the people will to have humanoids in their houses.

Humanoid: Robot that looks like a human.

Robots in our lives – level 3



A lot of people think that the pigeons are not beautiful and many people have called them "rates with wings". The artist Duke Riley's tried to change the people's opinion about this animals. He trained doves with lights on their bodies. People wanted to watch this show: two thousand birds flying in a the sky. 
I like very much the idea that this man has had because normally the people don't like the doves and this is a more agreeable new way of seeing these animals. 

Piegeons: A bird having a plump body and small head.  

2,000 pigeons with lights – level 1


- 100 grams of flour
- 100g of sugar
- 4 spoonful with oil
- 1 egg
- 2 spoonful with milk
- A small amount of salt
- Add lemon zest

Preheat the oven to 190ºC.

Pour the ingredients in a bowl. Mix the ingredients until the mass being uniform.

After, add the lemon zest.

With a soup spoon put the dough in a greaseproof paper.

Next, put the greaseproof paper with the dough in the oven.

Wait between 10 or 15 minutes, or until golden at the edges.

This food is very easy, sweet and delicious. 
Resultat d'imatges de BISCUITS


Shakespeare was born in 26th of April of 1564 and he died in 23rd of April of 1616. This year, 2016, we celebred the 400th anniversary of his death.  

Resultat d'imatges de SHAKESPEARE
This is a market town in Warwickshire, England, and is the place where Shakespeare was born in 1564. 

This was the person who Shakespeare was married in 1582. They soon had a daughter and in the 1585 they had twins. One of his twins died when he was only 11 years old. 

It was the teather that Shakespeare represented some of his works. Spectators could stand, for just one penny, or pay more money to sit down. There was room for nearly 2000 people. 

Shakespeare wrote exciting historical dramas such as Richard III and romantic comedies such as The Taming of the Shrew. In 1594 he wrote poetry and beggin his sonnets. Finnaly he wrote 154 sonnets. Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet, A Midsummer's Night's Dream and The Merchant of Vinece. His famous works were Hamlet, Othello, King Lear and Macbeth.

The plague killed thousand of people and it passed from person to person. 
From 1592 to 1594 the theatres in London had to close because of the plague. To be together in small places was dangerous for the people. 

This was the year that Shakespeare wrote one of his famous works: Romeo and Juliet, the dramatic story of two lovers. 

In 1558 Elisabeth, one daugther of Henry, became a queen because her sister, Mary, the older queen, died in this year. Elisabeth replaced Mary. During the period that Mary reign, the leading was Catholic, but when Elisabeth had power, Engalnd became Protestant. 

#thearmada In 1588 Philip II of Spain sent an enormous fleet (a group of ships) to attack England. but this attack failed and more than 11000 Spanish soldiers were killed. After this event, England became an important sea power and began to attack Spanish ships in the Atlantic and explore the Americas. 

"We know that we are, but know not what we may be".
"Better three hours too soon than a minute to late". 
"To be, or not to be, that is the question". 
"Listen to many, speak to a few".