dimarts, 27 de desembre del 2016


This book talks about an amazing and strange transformation of Gregor Samsa, who would completely change his life and the way to see their family. It’s a great book that surprised me the most.

The story talks about Gregor Samsa that, one day, when he wakes up, is transformed into a terrifying insect. His principal fear isn't his new body, otherwise is being late for work. He doesn't want to lose his work. 
Resultat d'imatges de la metamorfosi de kafkaHis family is worried too, because Gregor is still in his room. He can't have power over his body and talk normally. The biggest problem appears when an envoy of the boss of Gregor calls the door. Finally, Gregor, open the door and all the people see his status. 
His family scares very much and cannot believe what happens. The parents don't want to enter in the room of Gregor. The only one that worries for Gregor is his sister, who brings food to him. But she doesn't want to watch the body of her brother. Gregor's transformation is a very hard blow in the family.

In this novel we can observe how the life of Gregor makes a radical change. He is the main character and he is a person who sacrifices himself for his family. But his family don’t do that when they see the situation of his member.

I like very much this book because talks about not usual themes that confound and perplex the reader. This book is a critique to the society, which treats badly the people who is different. I recommend it to all people. 


Scientists, using light on the atoms of antimatter, have been able to detect if it behaves differently to normal atoms. This is the first time physicists were able to control the antimatter to measure and compare their behavior. This is the result of two decades of work and opens up new ways of studying antimatter.
The study showed that the antihydrogen atom responded the same way a hydrogen atom under light. Antimatter is identical to matter, except that everything within its atoms is the opposite way round, with negative charge being positive and left becoming right.
The group used a one-of-a-kind machine to trap antihydrogen with magnetic fields. Antimatter is extremely hard to study as it can’t coexist with matter. The next step for the team will be refining their measurements.
This is a great step for the science because discoveries like this will help us to discover things about our planet and our environment that we dind’t know before. 

Key words:

Link of the news: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/physicists-learn-how-to-measure-antimatter-using-laser-a7490806.html


La Marató de TV3 is a charity gala that takes place every year on the Sunday before Christmas. Is promoted by Televisió de Catalunya and Fundació La Marató de TV3. The first edition was in 1992.

Every year La Marató talks about different types of illnesses, such as leucemia, cancer, Alzheimer, Parkinson, diabetes, etc. Annually collects an average of seven million euros. In this last marathon, that talked about the medular injurie and ictus, were collected 8,490,607€.
Resultat d'imatges de la marató de tv3 
The principal objective is to collect money to dedicate to research and divulgation of a disease or group of diseases. Along the years has increased the prestige and donations.

La Fundació La Marató de TV3  was created in 1996 which manages the funds and choices of the best scientific projects for funding and awareness campaigns.
To get money for a fund, La Marató organizes thousands of events around the Catalan Countries.

I think the work that makes la Marató is very important: All the money obtained are engaged in research, the 15 hours of program are devoted to talk about the illness and interviewed people who were suffering or who have relatives who suffer this sickness. This helps raise awareness.

dilluns, 26 de desembre del 2016


When we are sleeping, our subconscious develops and produces all the emotions and the moments that we have experienced throughout the day. Also keep in mind that all dreams represent our moods and emotions. The dream is characterized by low levels of physiological activity (blood pressure, breathing) and a lower response against external stimulus.
Many times, we don’t remember our dreams and we think that we don’t dreamed, but it’s a lie, considering that we always dreamed.
Resultat d'imatges de SUEÑOSDreaming occurs when we are sleeping. In this course, our brain is always active. The nervous system is disconnected from the environment with the intention to recover the energy lost during the day, but also to let our minds rest of the problems of reality.
The brain needs to expel the emotions of experiences that we have lived during the day. Because of that, it builds another reality in which, through images, digests or removes the content of the activity we have done during the day.

To try to get them into our consciousness, we need to think about it at the same time to wake up and, if it’s necessary, to write them, because in a few minutes they are automatically deleted from our memory, although sometimes for a long time we can remember some fragments.